The Inspiring Work Of The Center Houston

It’s not often that I write about clients or brag about their accomplishments. On occasion there are times when we get to work with unique organizations that are making an enormous difference in the world. One recent example of that is The Center For Pursuit. For more than six decades, The Center For Pursuit has empowered…

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Ron Herridge Releases A Free Bible Timeline Download

bible timeline

Long time client and friend of Apache Interactive, Ron Herridge, recently released a project that was a labor of love that was several months in the making. Ron wanted to help people understand the timeline of events that occurred in the bible so he planned, designed and wrote an 8 page bible timeline as a…

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The Montgomery County Women’s Center Is Saving Lives

womens center website

In our day to day operations we are used to working with clients that want to increase business and profits. It’s a rare privilege to work with an organization whose sole purpose is to save lives and help people rise up out of abusive and dangerous situations. We were introduced to The Montgomery County Women’s…

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