Picture this, you’ve optimised your website and now rank in the top ten for all your major keywords, and first for several. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) has really paid off.
So what now? Should you pack in the pay-per-click (PPC) adverts? After all, you probably only got them to increase visibility while you boosted the site’s natural optimization, didn’t you?
I read about this very topic in a recent article by Kevin Gibbons.
Gibbons elaborates on this topic and suggests that marketers continue to purchase pay-per-click advertising to prevent competitors from obtaining valuable ad space, to protect your name, and to appear that your business has more authority.
I too recommend adding pay-per-click advertising into the mix even when your site ranks well organically, but for slightly different reasons.
I advise my clients to run a PPC campaign to help balance out all of their targeted search phrases. If one targeted search phrase is performing well organically, throw a little more PPC money at a more competitive phrase that might be ranking slightly lower than the others. If that particular search phrase improves in the organic search, adjust your PPC to a different area, and so on. With regular attention paid to your PPC and organic SEO, you can make sure that your business is always found near the top.
Pay-per-click also gives marketers a great tool for testing a variety of headlines and unique-selling-points (USP) that could benefit your advertising in other media as well…but that’s a whole other article I’ll save for another day. Houston wedding photograher
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