The Top 3 Lies About Social Media
The wave of social media websites taking over our attention and spare time are too numerous to count. There are a lot of eyeballs being pulled away from traditional print media and moving toward online social media for entertainment, education and shopping. Savvy marketers know that they must “fish where the fish are”, and they…
Read MoreThe Future Of Fundraising Is In The Palm Of Your Hand
On Tuesday, January 12th 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake ripped through Haiti leaving only death and destruction behind. By January 24th at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been recorded and the Haitian Government reported that an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless. The world came…
Read MoreHow To “Go Viral” And Increase Web Traffic By 1,000%
Last year we were contacted by a small company that manufactures bulletproof clipboards for law enforcement and military use. We found their “tactical office supplies” fascinating, so we accepted on the task of promoting their products online. Their budget was very tight so they wanted to use their existing photography and copy for their new…
Read MoreWhat Advertising Medium Generates the Highest Return On Investment?
Though the money marketers spend on it is a pittance compared with other channels, e-mail delivers the highest return on investment by a wide margin, according to the Direct Marketing Association. E-mail returned a whopping $57.25 for every dollar spent on it in 2005, the DMA reported in its Power of Direct economic impact study…
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